* Importer of registration
All shipments to companies require a valid Import Export Code (IEC). The code has to be stated on the invoice.
** Preferentieel handelsakkoord met EU
Voor zendingen vanuit de EU naar bedrijven in India kan de ontvanger aanspraak maken op vrijstelling van invoerrechten, en vice versa. Onder de 6000 is een stempel met het REX nummer van de leverancier op de factuur voldoende. Bij een factuurwaarde boven 6000 euro is hiervoor 'Formulier A' vereist.
For shipments from the EU to companies in India, the recipient can claim exemption from import duties, and vice versa. For shipments under 6000 a stamp with the REX number of the supplier on the invoice is sufficient. Invoices above 6000 require "form A"

B2C / E-commerce
China has special return policy rules for E-commerce shipments to private recipients in China. Please contact your DHL contact or our customerservice at 088 - 0552 000 for further help.

Document shipments (not dutiable) are limited to real documents such as certificates and invoices - with no commercial value.
As soon as something has a commercial value (eg books, magazines, photos and data carriers), the shipment is dutiable.