REDUCE THE CO2 EMISSIONS of your shipment with SAF
With the GoGreen Plus - Carbon Reduced service, for business customers of DHL Express, you reduce the CO2 emissions of your air transport through Sustainable Aviation Fuel. By selecting this additional service, DHL purchases more sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) to decrease the CO2 emissions of your air transport, thereby reducing your carbon footprint.
The process of purchasing and using SAF is audited annually by an independent auditor to ensure transparency and accurate measurement of CO2 emission reductions.

What's the benefit for you?
By choosing GoGreen Plus, you demonstrate your company's commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices. This can enhance your brand and show your customers that you are aware of the environmental impact of your operations.

From offsetting to insetting
Offsetting compensates for CO2 emissions outside your own company, such as by planting trees. With insetting through GoGreen Plus, you directly reduce the CO2 emissions of your transport within your own supply chain by using SAF. It's important to note: companies facing future CO2 reporting requirements from the government may only use insetting if it results in CO2 reduction.